Purina ONE Money back FAQs
Print an application form which you will find at purinaone.co.uk/moneyback.
Please complete the application form in block capitals.
Post your completed form, together with your original till receipt(s) and the original empty packaging and freepost to:
Purina ONE - Visible Difference,
TN22 1QQ.
Receipts must show that enough Purina ONE was purchased for a 3 week feed:
Cat Dry 800g bag (excluding Kitten)
2 x 800g bag required for 3 weeks feed
Cat Wet
Maximum 84 pouches for 3 weeks feed
Photocopies or torn receipts will not be accepted. The receipt(s) must be dated within a three month period of purchase or dated before 31st December 2020 (whichever is earliest). The original empty packaging must also be sent.
Pet food quantities stated as minimum entry requirement for the promotion are based on recommended feeding guidelines for the average cat over a three week period (visit www.purinaone.co.uk for feeding guidelines).
- A completed, legible, original application form, you will find at purinaone.co.uk/moneyback.
- A 15+ word statement stating why the applicant did not see a visible difference in their cat after 21 days of consecutive feeding with PURINA ONE.
- Valid original till receipt(s) which show 2 x 800g bagsor 11 x 8 boxes (containing 8x85g pouches per pack of which 84 will be required for 3 weeks feed)of any PURINA ONE as detailed in Clause 4. (Photocopies will not be accepted).
- Original empty packaging of a qualifying PURINA ONE product.
Submit application form and 15+ word statement together with the relevant packaging and till receipt(s) to: PURINA ONE® - Visible Difference, Freepost RLTS-KSXS-BZHK, UCKFIELD, TN22 1QQ to arrive by no later than 31.12.2020.
Receipts must show that enough Purina ONE® was purchased for a 3 week feed:
Cat Dry 800g bag (excluding Kitten) - 2 x 800g bag required for 3 weeks feed
Cat Wet - Maximum 84 pouches for 3 weeks feed
Photocopies or torn receipts will not be accepted. The receipt(s) must be dated within a three month period of purchase or dated before 31st December 2020 (whichever is earliest). The original empty packaging must also be sent.
Pet food quantities stated as minimum entry requirement for the promotion are based on recommended feeding guidelines for the average cat over a three week period (visit www.purinaone.co.uk for feeding guidelines).
Anyone can claim (UK, CI IoM and ROI residents) with the exclusion of employees of Nestlé Purina UK Commercial Operations Limited and their immediate families, it's agents and anyone else professionally connected with this promotion.
Please contact our Purina PetCare Team on 0800 212 161 (free phone from a landline). They can send you a form through the post instead.. Please note that the PetCare Team is not able to process your application.
We cannot grant your refund without the original full receipt that is not ripped showing the product purchased & date of purchase.
As the address is Freepost, there is no postage cost to make a claim. No stamp is required on the envelope.
Refunds will be sent by post in the form of a cheque made payable to the original claimant.
Please allow 28 days to receive your refund. If you have still not received your refund after 28 days from the date you submitted your application form, original packaging & till receipt(s), please call our Purina PetCare Team on 0800 212 161.
You will be refunded the amount you paid for your Purina ONE® bags (as shown on your full till receipt), up to a maximum of £12 for the value of Purina ONE Dry or £44.99 for the value of Purina ONE Wet. This cost equates to the required purchase for 21 days/ 3weeks worth of feed:
Cat Dry 800g bag (excluding Kitten)
2 x 800g bag required for 3 weeks feed
Cat Wet
Maximum 84 pouches for 3 weeks feed
RoI residents will be refunded in euros.
You will be refunded the amount you paid for your Purina ONE bags (as shown on your till receipt), up to a maximum of €16 for the value of Purina ONE Cat or €48.95 for the value of Purina ONE Wet. This cost equates to required purchase for 21 days/ 3 weeks worth of feed:
Cat Dry 800g bag (excluding Kitten) - 2 x 800g bag required for 3 weeks feed
Cat Wet - Maximum 84 pouches for 3 weeks feed
Please visit this link for the Terms & Conditions.
Once. The offer is limited to one cat application per household.
The offer is limited to one application per household. You will only be able to make a claim once if you did not notice a visible difference in your pet's health.
No, to see a visible difference you must feed your pet 100% Purina ONE for 3 consecutive weeks (21 days).
Please allow 28 days to receive your refund cheque in the post. If you have still not received your refund after 28 days from the date you submitted your application form, original packaging & till receipt(s), please call our Purina PetCare Team on 0800 212 1 61.
We are unable to grant your refund without your original, full till receipt(s). Receipts must show that 2x800g bags of Purina ONE Cat and/or 84 Purina ONE Cat pouches for 3 weeks feed were purchased to allow for 21 days feeding. The receipt(s) must be dated within a three month period.
We are unable to grant your refund without your original, full till receipt(s). Receipts must show that 2x800g bags of Purina ONE Cat and/or 84 Purina ONE Cat pouches for 3 weeks feed were purchased to allow for 21 days feeding. The receipt(s) must be dated within a three month period.
We are unable to grant your refund if the original packaging is not enclosed with your application.
You will be refunded the amount you paid in accordance with your till receipts, not the individual price of the bags/pouches.
The promotion will end on 31st December 2020. All claims must be submitted before this date or within three months of your till receipt, whichever is sooner.
If you can't find the answer here, please contact our Purina PetCare Team on 0800 212 161 who will be happy to help.